Essay On The Feminist Movement

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The Feminist Movement The Feminist Movement begin in the in 1848 spearheaded by the Seneca Fall Convention (Smith & Hamon, 2012). Feminism is the reaction to many year of oppression by a male dominated society. In the Feminist Movement women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Canton Stanton desired rights, opportunities, and the identity that women deserved (Smith & Hamon, 2012). Osmond and Thorne (1993) stated that Feminist respond by expressing their desire to “develop knowledge that will further social change, knowledge that will help confront and end subordination of women as it related to the pattern of subordination based on social class, race, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation” (p. 592). The “first wave” of the Feminist Movement …show more content…

Men were in control of almost everything a woman did. Women were seen to be second best compared to men, therefore, they were treated as such. Osmond and Thorne (1993) stated that “historically male experts have controlled women’s bodies, denying them the access to birth control and abortion; the large males dominated medical field established alienation conditions for childbearing. Most of the major professions were occupied by men” (p. 613). Feminist leaders also challenged the structural functionalism theory’s concept of the nuclear families. Feminists believe that following the traditional way of having a family would continue to lead to their oppression. Smith and Hamon (2012) stated “limiting families to the traditional nuclear definition restricts women’s roles to a subordinate position and discounts the experiences of women in diverse family forms” (p. 297). Feminists believed that men and women could perform just as well as men on tasks within society, therefore they felt that there should be no division or superior/inferior rank among …show more content…

Osmond and Thorne (1993) stated that “heterosexuality has been long assumed to be the norm and other sexual practices have been deemed deviant” (p. 616). However, the norm has not ways suited everyone in our community and society. Some of the people in our society don’t see gender as man and woman, but in a different way. There has constantly been the issue that relationships and marriages are supposed to be with a man and woman, however, it seems as if that has changed over time. Now people believe that true love doesn’t necessary have to be with a man or woman, but with whoever they are attracted to. A feminist leader by the name of Adrienne Rich states “if heterosexuality were “natural” … there would be no need for the many deliberate and coercive efforts to channel individual in that direction” (Osmond & Thorne, 1993, p. 616). What Rich meant was if man and woman were supposed to be together naturally, why is there a need for a constant reminder that man and woman should do so. Rich also insinuated that women are born homosexual tendencies due to the erotic tie with their mothers. Whether this is valid or not this is a statement that needs a bit more research conducted on it, before making a bold statement as

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