Persuasive Essay On Fast Food

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Although most people don’t take into deep conscious thought about eating meat, using non animals products is very beneficial to oneself and the environment. This is important because it affects us and mother nature in our everyday lives. There are many products out there that promote murder and animal abuse. For example, all dairy products.. Most of these actions cause us to kill or hurt animals. Animals are pumped with chemicals that cause them to produce more milk. These chemicals infect these animals and stay in their body. When we as a society, eat this meat, we are also eating the chemicals that our meat intakes. Veganism is the only way for us to save these animals from going through this painful process. Our society deals with many obstacles such as animal cruelty, unhealthy fast food, and cancer causing meat caused by animal consumption. According to Michael Pollan, author of Omnivore’s Dilemma, feeding the cows corn …show more content…

For example, would be a case study done in 1996-2004 by the epidemiology group department of pathology school of medicine university of the republic, montevideo, uruguay. This study includes six thousand candidates corresponding to the cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, rectum, colon, lung, female breast, urinary bladder, prostate and kidney. The results were positively associated with the cancers of the colon, rectum, esophagus, stomach, and lung. The remaining cancer sites were significantly associated with elevated risks for processed meat consumption. Furthermore, mortadella, salami, hot dog, ham, and salted meat were strongly associated with risk of several cancer sites. In conclusion, processed meat intake could be a powerful multiorgan carcinogen. The practice of veganism creates a situation where these several types of cancer causing meats cannot be consumed. So therefore, the practice of veganism will prevent

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