Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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John Oliver reported that “Congress increased federal funding for only education from about 50 to 75 per year and at least part of that money gets matched by the state”. There the extreme dive that this generation has seen with this. Young people are a lot more open about certain things and sex is no different. At one time school videos would warn children of the dangers of sex outside of a marriage. There often was a vast miscommunication between people and factual know age. Today the common person is still miss lead by the media. Sex Ed wants to teach the student the intricacies of sex and STI but often schools are reluctant to share the curriculum. There are many mental concerns in the safe sex approach and the absence approach. Now absence …show more content…

Her life changed drastically as a result of a single sexual encounter.” The classical bit of wisdom. it only takes once “She used to worry about mid-terms or her next swimming competition; now she was concerned about her abnormal pap smear. Instead of doing research for her thesis, she was Googling words like “dysplasia” and was online learning what to expect during a biopsy. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. “I was so careful, Dr. Grossman. He said he was clean, and we used a condom.... But there she was at 18, infected with an incurable genital

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