Fear in William Golding´s Lord of the Flies

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Fear resides within all of our souls and our minds in different forms wether it be mind, body, or spirit. Fear can be brought upon by actions, words or ever our mere imagination. Of course as one being younger your imagination can bring along fear that is non existent but, to one it may seem so vivid and tangible. In this Novel by William Golding we come to grasps with many different forms of fear being from the beast, the loss of humanity, and the fear of realization. Our first aspect of Fear in the novel comes into play with the Beast. This fictional character becomes the center of the boys problems on the island and brings a long chaos and death. Simon is murdered due to the befuddlement of Simon being mistaken as the beast when in fact he was the jesus like figure and his death was a representation of sacrifice. The beast was not something tangible it was simply the boys because the beast was themselves. Our biggest demons in life rest within oneself, and on the island the beast was just a justification for the boys to blame their wrong doings on. William Golding refers to this using the role of simon by stating: “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are" (158)? This quote expands your comprehension of the beast not being an actual person nor animal but instead as the representation I explained of the beast being the boys themselves. Golding clearly Portrays that through Simon in this quote. Another form of fear that is later introduced is the concept of the boys humanity slowly becoming strayed. In the novel there is a great amount of foreshadowing towards this topic. An example coul... ... middle of paper ... ...tinues to open the wound and not let it heal. In conclusion, by reading the Novel by William Golding titled The Lord of The Flies we encountered many different forms of fear being from the beast, the loss of humanity, and the fear of realization. These forms of fear relate only to this novel but, many feelings these boys on the island felt we feel time and time again in our everyday society. Everyone on this earth comes to grasp with a time of fear in their lives and it is up to oneself if they are too choose to be strong and persevere or to be a cowards and let fear over power them. Ralph was a boy, a scared and broken young little boy but, as he stood on that beach and watched the rover appear he broke down and let the fear of never having peace take control of him. So I will leave you with one last thought, will you let fear overpower you? or will you persevere?

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