Causes Of Fear

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Everyone is Afriad
Fear, by definition, is “an unpleasant emotional state consisting of psychological and psychophysiological response to a real external threat or danger” (Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health). This evolutionary response keeps people from doing something dangerous, or otherwise harmful. Fear has a number of triggers, including the presence of danger, generalization of a traumatic event, and even some chemical and sounds. Fear is a necessary function for survival and by better researching it, fear can be better understood. The questions that need to be asked and answered are: how does fear present itself, what are the causes of fear, when does a fear becomes irrational and turn …show more content…

Fear can be caused by environment, biological makeup, and stressful life events and situations So why are humans in constant fear of something? In our society, it really should not be a surprise that we are fearful. It is a protective device we have inside ourselves, and as small children we are already full of fear. Mommy says: watch or you will get hurt, be a good boy, play nice with the other kids so everyone likes you, do not go with strangers, and the list goes on and on. Fear is part of evolution and our ancestors have instilled in us, “better safe than sorry.” Leahy, 2016). Fear is an intrinsic human response for certain stimuli and an emotional basis for much of our lives. It is also constructed culturally in which it is used in various roles of discipline, or to socialize and control children(Stearns, P. & Haggerty T, …show more content…

If a fear controls your life and you obsess over it, then it is known as a phobia. A phobia poses little or no harm, but emotionally a person cannot let it go and lead a normal life. It may wreck your life so much that you go to extreme lengths to avoid situations and even change your lifestyle. For example, maybe you get a fantastic job offer, but you have to ride an elevator to the office, and you are claustrophobic; turning down this great opportunity because of your phobia, would be considered an extreme and irrational fear(Melinda Smith, M.A., Robert Segal, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D: November 2016). So, is it possible to live without fear? The answer is yes. There is actually a rare genetic disease called Urbache-Weithe Disease. This disease is caused by a destruction to a bilateral section of the amygdala. This disease not only causes an absence of fear, but the patient also has issues reading social cues in other people, as well as noticing multiple emotions in one face (Adolphs R). The most famous of this case is Patient S.M., or more commonly known as the “woman without

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