Dr Faustus Research Paper

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Faustus: Fate Sealed By Choice

A newly developing concept during Marlow's time was predestination and Marlow toys with this concept provoking questions in the religiously dogmatic society of the time. In the early 17th century play, Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlow develops within the main protagonist Faustus a constant indecisiveness on the concept of predestination in order to leave his fate and the reason for it seemingly undetermined. However, it is the incapability of Faustus to choose to believe in the ever existent opportunity to repent and prevent damnation that seals his fate.
The misinterpretation of predestination can easily lead one down an even worse path as by its very definition the choices one makes have already been decided. …show more content…

The Good Angel convinces Faustus for a brief moment that "if I repent" then "God will pity me" putting a stall to his steady decline (1.5 192). However with a reminder that he "never shall repent" Faustus remembers that because of his predestination it does not matter whether he wants to he "cannot repent" and his "heart's so hardened" (1.5 193-194). Faustus catches a glimpse of his life without predestination; he finally sees that maybe after all this God could forgive him if he repented. He quickly resubmits into the hopelessness of his life being predestined to damnation though. Faustus could make the choice here to change and he's being told by an angel of God that he still has a chance but he simply is incapable of leaving his way of thinking. The smallest of arguments pulls him back in. Marlow includes this as a way of possibly introducing the idea that maybe Faustus is predestined as even with the word of an angel he cannot change. The constant glimmers of hope seen for Faustus refutes this as he numerous times he takes control over his own life again. While he almost always sank back he shows that he does have power over his own decisions. They are not

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