The Faults Within Active Euthanasia

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Euthanasia has become a very controversial topic in the medical field. The decision-making skill that physicians possess regarding the well-being of their patients is essentially the framework of their craft. Although they have been tempered and molded to preform medical decisions, physicians cannot make perfect decisions because of the influence by their humanity. Even though this may be, people are required to build a relationship with their physician in order to procure trust. Physicians have the expertise to instruct and intervene in the public’s health, but they cannot be allowed to actively euthanize patients.
As far as the law is concerned, physicians lack the right to actively interfere with the patient committing suicide. There is not a Supreme Court precedent giving physicians this right, and the Constitution is silent on the matter. The Fourth Amendment also forbids state governments to deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law (Kass 2). This translates to the fact that physicians would not be able to end life without some law process, and these law processes could not be concluded without some form of consent from the patient. Therefore, the physician would be unable to intervene on his own accord without breaking a law. Because of the nature of our political system, these questions of morality become restated in terms of people’s rights (Kass 1). The intervention by physicians would also breach individuals right to “life”. Even if the patient were to be considered mentally incapacitated, the fourteenth amendment also prevents the government from denying people equal protection of the laws (Kass 1-2)
Although this gives people the complete right to determine how they live, as a logic...

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... to request it themselves. Physicians have the knowledge and authority to intervene in health; however, physician-assisted suicide is a slippery slope that could only become a reality within a perfect world.

Works Cited
Columbia University, Press. “Euthanasia.” Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition (2013): 1.History Reference Center. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
Emanuel, Ezekial J. “Death’s Door” New Republic 220.20 (1999): 15. MAS Ultra – School Edition.
Kass, Leon R. Lund, Nelson. “Courting Death: Assisted Suicide, Doctors, And The Law.” Commentary 102.6 (1996): 17. MAS Ultra – School Edition. Web. 26 Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
Selle, Robert. “Humanizing Death.” World & I 9.4 (1994): 423. MAS Ultra – School Edition. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.
Selle, Robert. “The Immorality And Morality Of Euthanasia.” World & I 9.4 (1994): 434. MAS Ultra – School Edition. Web. 26 Feb. 2014.

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