George Washington: The Father Of Our Country

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The Father of This Country

A man by the name of George Washington was the father of our country. He was the commander of all the colonial forces during the American Revolutionary War. He led our country to victory and independency in 1776. In addition, he was the first successful president of America. Let 's discover more about this great leader and his great accomplishments.
Washington was born into a Virginia farming family in 1732. His father 's name was Augustine who died when George was eleven, George 's mother, Mary, was a tough and driven woman who struggled to keep her family together. Her two sons from a previous marriage helped her through this period. George didn 't receive more than elementary school education, however, he was …show more content…

He was a soldier and prominent land owner in colonial Virginia. Also, he was a member of the colonial legislature representing Fairfax County. By the time George turned twenty Lawrence died, therefore, George inherited Mount Vernon (the family land) from Lawrence. Also, the death of Lawrence created a vacancy in the Virginia militia, to which George was appointed.
At the time, France and England were enemies in America. British and French were competing to control the Ohio River Valley. The royal governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie, sent George with a 150 men to build a fort on the banks of Ohio River. After they built the fort, a small French troops attacked them and since Washington was young and didn’t have much experience in battles so they lost the battle and he had to go back to Virginia. The colonials were held responsible for this defeat by the government of England. Washington then resigned from the army and returned back to farming in …show more content…

As a proof of his modesty, Washington said,” I don’t think myself equal to the command I am honored with.” First, Washington route the British troops from Boston in 1776 during the battles of Lexington and Concord. Then, he lost a lot of effort in battles defending New York colonies from British forces. But on Christmas day that same year, he led his army through a heavy snow storm, crossed the Delaware River into New Jersey and defeated the British forces there. In 1778, French agreed to an alliance with the Americans which can be considered as an important turning point in American Revolutionary war. The last major battle in the Revolutionary War was in Yorktown, Virginia when Washington led his troops to the victory with the help of French navy forces so they were able to defeat the British general Charles Cornwallis’s and his forces in 1781. In 1783, Great Britain and United States of America ended up the revolutionary war by signing the Treaty of Paris which declared American

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