Fashion in Greece- Discoveries through Art and Literature

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Greece is known for their utilization, almost to a uniform extreme, of all their products which contributed to fashion. There is very few amounts of clothing that have survived the ages of time, therefore most knowledge is derived from painting and sculptures. If we look at the sculptures, bas reliefs and frescos we are able to see the lifestyle of both the Archaic, Minoan and Mycenaean eras. In the Archaic era the use of literature is reopened, where it was stopped during the dark ages. Art has emphasis on sculptures and pottery at this time. Political theory also advanced, including the development of a democracy. They brought the belt along with making clothing practical for use, such as carrying supplies in aprons and covering the head like we would know today as a sort of hoodie. This is the time between 750-500 BC. In the Minoan era the economy was growing and due to the agricultural movement such as herding sheep and growing of flax allowed for the expansion of clothing such as weaving. There was a political change which shows status as a greater importance than before and the clothing was different for political leaders such as the king. They brought the concepts of geometric design as well as natural designs. They also started wearing more fitted clothing, and still wore the belt from the archaic era. This is the time between 2000-1400 BC. In the Mycenaean era the class diversifies into rich and poor, high classes and lower classes. Members of the royal circle, along with the king, is where most of the wealth lied. They had fitted clothing and started what we see as costumes today, drapery in clothing. Most of the customs were passed on from the Minoan era. This is the time between 600-1100 BC.
The lifestyle back then w...

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...They had a reason for everything they wore from rings to length to additions such as the apron. Due to different pieces of art and literature, we are able to see how the Greeks advanced in fashion and how these advanced played a role in the advances religiously, socially and politically.

Works Cited

Aldrete, Gregory S. "Personal Appearance in the Ancient World." Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.
DeBrohun, Jeri. "Power Dressing In Ancient Greece and Rome." History Today 51.2 (2001): 18-25. Humanities Source. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.
Matz, David. Voices of Ancient Greece and Rome: Contemporary Accounts Of Daily Life. Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, 2012. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 9 Oct. 2013.
Salisbury, Joyce E. and Gregory Adrete. "Clothing in Greece: Ancient World." Daily Life through History. ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 9 Oct. 2013.

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