Family Systems Must be Built on Strong Foundations

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Buildings that are strong enough to weather a storm must be stationed on solid ground. Much like a building, a family must be built on a solid healthy foundation in order to endure life challenges. Families operate according to their own unique system. These systems can be comprised of a combination of individual moral sets, traditional traits, and religious expectations. These traits can differ based on the families’ culture, region, and religious beliefs. As a member of a large, multi-cultural Christian based family, my family system may differ drastically from a small European family. As a child in a multi-cultural family, I was encouraged to be expressive, and inquisitive, but only when in the proper setting. I was taught to sit quietly, and still while in church out of respect for the Lord, but when at home I was encouraged to run and explore all that the outdoors had to offer. This altered once I reached school age, because gender roles and expectations came into play. The wild and free things I once did as the only girl of 7 prior to first grade was no longer acceptable because it went against the standard of femininity. I was abruptly stripped of my tom boy ways by the time I was 6, and I remember the feeling of isolation. Suddenly I went from climbing trees, and riding my bike as fast as I could down the drive way, to watching the boys climb trees as I played with Barbie’s, and being told not scaring my legs was more valuable than winning a bike race against my brother. Same sex preferences are developed during preschool years, and are similar across cultures. (Feldman, 2013 p.243). As the only girl, being prompted to engage in gender appropriate behaviors, and promoting same sex preference encouraged me to devel... ... middle of paper ... ...are their first and most intimate which is why that have such a profound impact on their lives. The style of parenting that the child’s parents uses can make or break the emotional development of their child. If the parent puts to much stress on a child it could affect their physical and social development. These negative attributes could cause a decline in verbalization, skill building, problem solving and learning. The encouragement of spiritual growth throughout a childs life can influence their ability to cope in the areas that they lack, and to find a positive outlet for distress. This can promote the ongoing development among individuals and society ( Roehlkepartain, 2013 p. 21) References Feldman, R. S. (2014). Development Across the Life Span. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. . University, Liberty. (Director). (2014). Parenting [Video].

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