Argumentative Essay On False Media

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During this day and age when news is broadcasted, the public always seems to trust the media and believe that the news that is always given to them is always true. This is called false media. False media is when when untrue or wrongly told information is broadcasted. Because of false media the public as a whole has begun to distrust many media sources. So because of false media it does not only affect the public it affects journalist who report the news because audiences feel like the journalist are not doing everything in their power to give the public the truth they deserve. For example, as stated by Shanmugam to the press, “Instead of your readers and audiences being left with these questions, it
Hello my name is Freda Murphy and I'm researching different instances were different new stories were broadcasted unfairly and wrongly and the different impacts and effects of the new stories for my capstone. I decides to argue this claim because recently I had a conversation with a grown up who's really into politics and she told me that the stories you hear on the news are not always true and or sometimes mistakenly given to the public. So after hearing this I immediately thought I want to research this claim further because I regularly watch the news and believe everything they broadcast to me. After doing gathering all my research I decided argue this claim for capstone because I think people should be given truth daily whether they know it or not. would be better if you, the

journalists, were asking those questions yourselves and doing your very best in the time available to find the answers” ("Shanmugam”). This quote supports my argument because it shows that journalist themselves are not trying to find the real answers ...

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... law is enacted less false media most likely would be not broadcasted by journalist because of the fear of going to jail because of not giving out the right information on story.

Furthermore I would like explain why false news happens. False news occurs because facts and opinions are not always easily separated. For example in many occasions opinions are expressed through superficial statements, for example in Article 19 its states :
“such as sarcastic, satirical, hyperbolic or comical remarks. For example, someone who describes someone else as a ‘gangster’ is not necessarily accusing the other of being involved in unlawful activities”(Article 19).
This evidence shows that the broadcasting of false media is not always the journalist fault its the sources were the journalists get the new from.

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