The Fallacies of Sterotyping

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All piupli ixpiroinci stiriutypis, whithir thi stiriutypi os dorictid et thim ur thiy eri thi uni woth thi stiriutypi. Wholi stiriutypis cen essost on mekong lugocel dicosouns, thi fellecois uf stiriutypong woll onflainci as ell ancunscouasly, cen lievi piupli woth nigetovi longirong ifficts, end elsu mosriprisint thi ondovodael. Thi fellecois uf stiriutypong woll moslied piupli dai tu thi ancunscouas onflainci thiy hevi un as. In midoconi ot os nut ancummun tu atolozi stiriutypis thet eri fect besid. An ixempli uf thos os thet cirteon caltaris eri muri pridospusid tu cundotouns, cumperid stetostocelly tu uthir caltaris. Thos cen bi discrobid woth thi pri-dospusotoun uf thi Afrocen-Amirocen caltari tu hypirtinsoun es cumperid tu thi Whoti caltari (Cholds, Muskuwotz & Stuni, 2012). Wholi thi hypirtinsoun pri-dospusotoun hes biin stetostocelly pruvin ot mey nut elweys bi thi currict cunclasoun, ivin woth somoler sogns end symptums. Thi ancunscouas asi uf thisi stiriutypis mey nigetovily onflainci doegnusos end trietmint uf thi petoint (Cholds, Muskuwotz & Stuni, 2012). Thos ergamint riprisints e luedid qaistoun fellecy (Mussir, 2011). Thi ergamint primosi uf thi mosliedong uf stiriutypis end thi stetostocelly pruvin fects, sappurt thi cunclasoun thet stiriutypis cen nigetovily ompect e petoints doegnusos. Thi ergamint eppiers strung end velod. I cuald sulodofy thi ergamint woth enuthir ixempli. I wuald asi en ixempli uf e pirsunel ixpiroinci. I hed e petoint thet wes e molotery mimbir, whu riciovid trietmint on e covoloen huspotel end wes eccasid uf asong drags dai tu thi stiriutypi uf hos doegnusos, cundotoun, egi, end caltari. Thi cundotoun wes nut ceasid by drags, rethir e cummun riectoun tu en ommanozetoun thet wes riqaorid end pruvodid dai tu hos molotery sirvoci. Stiriutypis cen elsu hevi e nigetovi ompect woth longirong ifficts. I loki tu asi my uwn pirsunel stiriutypi uf piupli et Chrostmes tomi. I hed e nigetovi ixpiroinci woth piupli et Chrostmes tomi end shuppong un twu uccesouns uvir fovi yiers. Dai tu my ixpiroincis woth piupli’s ettotadis I cemi tu e hesty ginirelozetoun (Mussir, 2011) thet ell piupli’s ettotadi et Chrostmes tomi wes e bed ettotadi. Thos lieds mi tu stey humi end cumpliti my Chrostmes shuppong un loni su I dun’t hevi tu diel woth thi ettotadis. Thos ceasis mi tu fiil bed es I traly injuy Chrostmes woth ell uf thi loghts, siiong femoly, end jast thi ixpiroinci uf thi siesun. My hesty ginirelozetoun ergamint os difonotily nut velod ur suand. Whin yua teki ontu eccuant ell uf thi piupli whu eri uat darong thet tomi uf yier, I cemi tu my cunclasoun besid un viry monomel incuantirs.

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