Makeup And Makeup

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COSMETICS: Creating or destroying insecurities? Are cosmetic companies profiting from our insecurities? Do make-up companies want you to feel better about yourself or are they a base for our insecurities? Let me define the term “cosmetic” for you: a product applied to the body, especially the face, to improve its appearance. This includes creams, hair products, false eyelashes, anything that enhances your natural look. There is a wide range of cosmetic products out in the world: from night creams to lipsticks, hair dyes to false eyelashes. All for what? To fulfil the general public’s view on what is beautiful and what is not. This ideal is further promoted by the images the cosmetic industry chooses to display: females with perfect skin, full lips, size two bodies, the list goes on and on and on. Most women strive to be this image of perfect, not realising the amount of photo editing it takes to make it that way. Women aren’t the only ones susceptible to these ideals. In fact, many men have taken to wearing small amounts of make-up to conceal imperfections; in this way the fashion industry has made our perception of beauty almost unachievable. …show more content…

Make-up should be a choice, not an obligation. A decoration, not a necessity. It is meant to enhance your natural features not to erase and then redraw your face. Unfortunately, many individuals do not see it this way and feel ugly without their make-up on. Turning make-up into a daily and clown-like ritual only enhances your insecurities and ruins self-esteem. Additionally, using too much product isn’t good for your skin as it can block pores and create more problems than you had started out

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