Pros And Cons Of Faith Or Fantasy

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Faith or fantasy. How can a person know whether they are walking in faith or operating in a fantasy? I’m told that I walk on a level of faith that is not natural for most people. I did not recognize it until my wife and a couple of pastors in my church brought it to my attention. My wife would constantly say to me “You walk on a level of faith that what is natural for you is quite unnatural for some people”.

My wife Pastor Penny said to me, “what is it that you 're going to do in the next couple of years? I need to know because all the things you said you were going to do before we got married you have done. And there are things now being added on that you never told me about.” She said, “I need to prepare myself psychologically because …show more content…

You believe what God says. You know the trends. You know how He operates. Job says I Go forward and I can’t find him. I go backwards and I still can’t find him. I don 't backwards and I still come follow. I go to my right and I still can’t find him, but he 's hiding himself and on the left hand he 's working and when he had tried me I shall come out as pure gold. (Job 23:8-10) So in John chapter 5 we see a man sitting by a pool. He 's sitting down there gambling on life. He 's sitting there waiting for something to happen. but his problem is he keeps on waiting for people to do things for him. Faith without works is dead. When you really have faith you can 't just sit there and wait and believe you’re going to have a miracle. In order for you to get your breakthrough it comes with hard work. Any time God tells you He 's going to bless you get ready to roll up your sleeves and work as hard as you ever were before. Anytime God gives you a prophecy make sure you understand all hell 's going to break loose when you get that prophecy. When you get it you’ve got to have the mindset to stand on His Word. You’ve got to believe that God will. I know that He will. I know He can, I know that it will manifest.

The Bible says that he’s at a place called Bethesda and the pool is about to be stirred and he’s just sitting there waiting, waiting, waiting. And that’s how some Christians are. They are sitting waiting, waiting, waiting don 't want to do nothing about their situation. God wants you to get a word and when all hell breaks loose stand on that word. Because if God said it it 's got to come to

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