Fahrenheit 451 Essay

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In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, we can see a lot of things wrong with the society, things that most people think could happen to us, but is it really that unrealistic? Ray Bradbury didn't think so when he wrote it because he was writing about his own time period, shortly after WWII, but the themes he wrote about are still present today. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury criticizes illusion of happiness, oppression, and loss of self, not only his fictitious society, but our society in real life, too.
One of the themes he criticizes is illusion of happiness. An example of this is on page 4, where it says “... the fiery still gripped by his face muscles, in the dark. It never went away, that smile, it never ever went away, as long as he remembered.” This shows that he has been “happy” his whole life, that it really is a fake emotion that he feels, an illusion. Another example is on page 10, when Clarisse asks Montag if he is happy, he thinks “of course I’m happy,” but he continues to think about it, and on page 12 he finally realizes “He was not happy. He said the words to hi...

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