Cost Reflection In The Structure Of The Cost Of Hospitals

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2.7 Theme III: Cost:
Cost of hospitals is one of the main constituents in the structure of any healthcare expenditure. Hospital days of burns patients averages to two days per one percent TBSA (average 10.42 days per patient) and with a mean cost of $15,250 as per the cost analysis studies conducted by Sahin et al. (2011) and Hashmi & Kamal (2013). The average daily cost of burns patients in Omani hospital is about OR70 where OR40 is for the room occupancy per day, while the balance is for medications and other procedures. Average hospital days of burnt patients in Oman days range between 10 – 20 days as per the Infection Control Department in Oman (2012).
There have been only a few studies discussing the cost issues related to building new ward/unit and the cost difference of single versus multi-occupied rooms. The initial cost of constructing a new isolation unit/ward inclusive of cost of maintenance, furniture, housekeeping and energy like ventilation and heating, is very high. However, as shown by Bowbrow & Thomas (2000) in Chaudhury et al. (2005) and Hugodot & Normand (2007) a hospital’s operational costs of single occupancy rooms are lower than the operational cost of multi-occupancy rooms. That study showed that the occupancy rate of multi-occupied rooms were 80-85 percent, whereas the rate of single rooms reached the maximum of …show more content…

Moreover, if the patient has acquired any infection, the antibiotics needed for subsequent treatment will increase the cost of treatment. The cost will increase dramatically if the patient is infected with a multi-drug resistant organism (MDRO) like MRSA which requires expensive antibiotics for treatment. Medication errors may happen in any busy healthcare facility though it is more common when administering medication in a multi-occupied

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