The Five Factor Model Of Personality In The Workplace

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1. Introduction
The topic of individual personality in the workplace, in particular regarding the Five-Factor model of personality, has recently been shown to be have a significant impact on employees and the way in which they work. This topic is important because in many cases personality may help employees become better suited for certain positions by providing them with the characteristics which are needed to succeed in these roles (Horowitz, 2010). In this portfolio I will be reflecting upon my learning throughout the course of BSB124 and the experiences which I have had. I will mainly be discussing my learnings in relation to my personality results from the NEO-IPIP questionnaire in conjunction with the five-factor model to support my …show more content…

Under this model, personality is comprised of the five main traits of: conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience and extraversion, also collectively known by the acronym CANOE (Costa & McCrae, 2003, pp. 185-201). According to Schacter, Gilbert and Wegner (Schacter et al., 2011, pp. 474-475) these personality traits are consistently recognisable across a wide range of people, even those of varying ages and cultures. Additionally, many studies such as Digman (1990, pp. 417-440) have indicated correlations between personality and job performance which also demonstrate that individuals with a certain personality score tend to achieve higher rates of success in the workplace. For example, conscientiousness is widely regarded to increase job performance, due to it resulting in employees with high conscientiousness in having a tendency to be organized and dependable (Digman, 1990, pp. 417-440). Similar traits providing positive attributes are: extraversion, due to the leadership ability it provides, and agreeableness, which usually characterises enhanced teamwork and working in group environments. (Judge, 2002). Therefore, the Big Five personality traits not only have a profound impact on an individual’s workplace tendencies, the …show more content…

My results from the questionnaire (See Appendix 1) show high extraversion and agreeableness, but relatively low conscientiousness. The five-factor theory indicates that having high scores in extraversion and agreeableness. According to LeBarron (LeBarron, 2001, pp. 9), a peer-reviewed “meta-analysis found support for Extraversion as a valid predictor of job performance for managers and sales representatives,” which is ideal in my scenario as a prospective manager. LeBarron (LeBarron, 2001, pp. 10) also states that “Agreeableness significantly correlated … with a measure of interpersonal facilitation.” This is once again favourable in my situation due to the requirement of managers to work well with other people (interpersonally). These results are not surprising for me as due to the nature of a managerial role, it is to be expected that this job is heavily reliant on interpersonal communication which is facilitated by agreeableness and extraversion. This also corroborates with Judge, (2002), who states that these intrapersonal traits aid in enhancing an individual’s interpersonal skills, strengthening the argument. A problematic fact however was my low score in conscientiousness. According to Bukowski (2011), individuals scoring higher on conscientiousness are more effective at managing conflict and tend to provoke fewer disagreements, due to

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