Self Managed Learning Essay

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This report aims at exploring the conception of self-managed learning in the background of a higher education as well as the various benefits it yields to higher education students. The report has incorporated relevant and reliable investigation with the aim of creating a comprehensive image of the various aspects of self-managed learning and its benefits to higher education students. Whereas the various benefits of self-managed learning to higher education students have been acknowledged, the manner in which they can be affectively acquired are poorly understood.
Self-managed learning is the process through which individuals find different ways of learning new things (Van Tiem et al 261). Self-managed leaning is …show more content…

Students in higher education are expected to be responsible for the management of their own learning, learn domain specific concepts as well as acquaint themselves with a range if transferable cognitive skills that enables them to learn how to be successful in future (Dransfield, 2004 p.39). It is very important for higher education students to become self-managed learners as it enable them to learn for themselves giving them a chance to achieve more, enjoy their work and produce original work. One of the most important goals of self-managed learning is helping learners move forward such that they can become typical self-managed learners. Being self-managed is a very important skill in the modern job market as most employers look for employees who can effectively manage time and projects independently. As Dransfield (2004 p.39) argues, the ability of a student to demonstrate self-managed learning is a very important outcome of professional development regardless of the fact whether it is in the basis of a workplace or college learning facility. One of the best opportunities for higher education students can demonstrate self-managed learning is through research projects. Cunningham, Bennett & Dawes (2000 p.57) argues that self-managed learning brings a continuous feeling of development among students directly linking them to embracing their career …show more content…

Students should be given the opportunity to direct their learning in a supportive environment by not only regulating their performance but also selecting individual learning goals as the first thing. Regardless of the fact that self-managed learning’s are highly used in higher education, there is little direct evident to the strategies that enhance their efficiency as well as the factors that influence the engagement of students in self-management. When indoctrinating self-managed learning in higher education, teachers should always keep in mind that the starting point is definitely the student and thus respect should be given to his/her interests and visions of learning. In this, the teacher perceives the student and his/her world as a resource to be leveraged for classroom learning and teaching. One of the main characteristics of self-managed learning is that students usually take significant responsibility for personal learning beyond and above reacting to instruction. This implies that their teacher have an important role in assisting them acquire the necessary skills for self-managed learning. To do this, they have to clearly understand the perception of self-managed

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