Explaination of the Price Mechanism

574 Words2 Pages

In a perfect economy the price mechanism can give a perfect allocation of resources: what is demanded is produced, changes in demand lead to changes in supply, and the workers move from a dying market to a growing one. Unfortunately, the economy is not perfect. To stop getting to this gorgeous market solution. It only needs one of these elements to be operative and it will be failed the perfect market solution above. In a world where most of products are scarce and people’s wants are unbounded, the allocation of resources is the major concern of the economy. The obvious starting point to analyse this basic problem is the price and its important functions to coordinate the decisions of buyers and sellers in a market economy. The price mechanism or most known as the ‘invisible hand’ plays three important functions in any market based economy: rationing, signalling and incentive. Prices serve to ration scarce resources in situations when demand excess supply. Where there is a shortage of products, prices rise. Therefore, welfare people with sufficient willingness to pay will ...

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