Personal Reflection In The Classroom

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As expected, recording the tutoring session was enlightening and reinforced personal perceptions. Already having the impression that I dominate the session, the recording did reveal a better than expected sense of balance of two-way conversation. Whereas I estimated it as 80/20 split with me leading dialogue, it was more comparable to 70/30. Although still in need of adjustment, when comparing the recorded to previous personal observations, the complexity of the subject or activity and the level of interest in the topic are also strong predictors in a teacher vs. student talking time. Having realized this, I solicited the advice of the program director on how to stimulate more conversation; she shared topics that often elicit questions. With this new information, a lesson was developed around school menus including …show more content…

Next, she asked me to describe unfamiliar food items on the menu, such as tater tots and vegetable medley. We also transgressed, sharing different ways to prepare spinach, but she was talking, so that was good. As the session concluded, she asked, after rephrasing into a correct question, for clarification of the differences between elementary and middle/high school menus. I promised to return with an answer. I did not correct instead acknowledged understanding. I will have to be more attune to listening for situations that need correction while being conscientious of not overcorrecting harming her self-confidence. Surprised and pleased to hear in the recording that my speech has slowed, as it has been a persistent concern of mine. It did reveal an area for improvement, after explaining the directions for the activity I almost instantly repeated it with different verbiage. I think this confused Elizabeth ascertained by her hesitation in starting the exercise and closed body language. Deciding she did not understand, I showed through example working through several

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