Exercise and Diet Needed to Lose Weight

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Losing weight comes down to burning more calories than your body uses on a daily basis. This caloric deficit can be accumulated through dieting and exercising. The latter should include cardiovascular exercise, which in addition to burning calories, also reduces your risk of health conditions, such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis, and improves your heart health, mood and stamina. (See References 1) For quick weight loss, incorporate small adjustments that can optimize your cardio routine.

General Cardio Recommendation

The American Heart Association favors 30 to 60 minutes of moderate cardio on most days to lose weight. (See References 2) By completing the full range of motion of the exercise of your choice. you can get the most out of your workouts. For instance, take big steps on the treadmill and stair climber rather than tiny ones. Also, choose exercise with a vertical component that engages your upper and lower body. This is more challenging, engages more muscles, and burns more calories. For example, set a treadmill or an elliptical machine with moving arms at an incline, or go hiking or climb stairs while swinging your arms. (See References 3)

Calorie-Blasting High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, can increase the intensity of your cardio workout, making you burn more calories. (See References 4) During this type of training, you alternate between short, intense bursts of cardio and a slightly longer, less intense recovery period. You can, for instance, jog at a maintainable pace for two minutes, and then burst into a vigorous sprint for 30 seconds to one minute before retuning to the jogging pace. You can incorporate HIIT into your normal cardio routine, or you can do it...

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...merican Heart Association: Losing Weight [http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/WeightManagement/LosingWeight/Losing-Weight_UCM_307904_Article.jsp]

Ask the Trainer: Exercises for Losing Weight [http://www.askthetrainer.com/exercises-for-losing-weight/]

MayoClinic.org: Rev Up Your Workout With Interval Training [http://www.mayoclinic.org/interval-training/art-20044588?pg=1]

American Council on Exercise: What Is Cross Training and Why Is It Important? [https://www.acefitness.org/acefit/healthy-living-article/60/36/what-is-cross-training-and-why-is-it/]

American Council on Exercise: Circuit Training [http://www.acefitness.org/updateable/update_display.aspx?pageID=605]

University of Rochester Medical Center: Lifting Your Way to Weight Loss [http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=1801]

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