Exempt Student Athletes from Physical Education

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School sports have the same purpose as regular physical education classes; they both ensure to stay healthy and help students exercise. If thats the case, many student-athletes are wondering why they need a physical education class in high school. Student athletes should be exempt from physical education classes because less chance of injuries and instead have the choice to take other course electives.

Many student athletes including myself wonder why we have to take a P.E. class especially while in a sport. I believe the best choice for myself would to exempt P.E. from my school schedule and add another course elective or a study hall where I can get some of my homework done. This would help me because I barely have any time after my long practices to get my homework done and having a P.E. class can get me tired or injured very easily. Also, all of the strenuous work on athletes bodies during a sport make it hard for gym class participation. Athletes might not want to “try” as hard in P.E. because of the fact the athletes need to save their own energy for after school practices. Another problem athletes face is P.E. related injuries. The number of physical education-related injuries in the U.S. increased up to 150 percent between the years 1997 and 2007 (New). I believe this is occurring because athletes might not take P.E. seriously and are surrounded by other non-sport students causing a high-risk of injury. Gym teacher Matt Gilkerson from a high school in Hilliard, stated “Most athletes are capable and knowledgeable about the correct ways to work out, get in shape and train, since they go over it during every practice.” Myself and students from Hilliard also agreed with Matt and said how physical education classes are ...

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...if the students will get their own exercise in through the sports that one might play. Extra homework time, less chance of injuries and a benefit to gym teachers and non-student athletes is a win situation for all. Furthermore, student athletes should be exempt from P.E. classes because less chance of injuries and instead have the choice to take other course electives.

Works Cited

"Athletes VS Physical Education." Teen Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014

Barrientos, Jen. "Error 404 File Not Found." - Doteasy.com. Jen Barrientos, n.d. Web. 25 Feb.


Cox, Ashley. "Do Student-athletes Really Need to Take PE Classes during the School Day?"

Pine Whispers. Pine Whispers, 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.

"New National Study Finds Increase In Physical Education Class-related Injuries." ScienceDaily.

ScienceDaily, 2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2014

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