Evolution Theory And Theory Of Evolution

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There is often some confusion between fact (evolution theory) and theory of creationism. It is called evolutionary scientific fact that living things are related to each other and have been transformed over time. The theory of evolution is the scientific model that describes the evolutionary transformation and explains its causes. Evolution is a change in the gene pool. In order to understand the evolution, it is necessary to view populations as a collection of individuals, each carrying a different set of characters. A gene is a hereditary unit. In the context of life sciences, evolution is a change in the genetic profile of a population of individuals, which can lead to the emergence of new species, adaptation to different environments or to the emergence of evolutionary novelties.
According to ______ “It has always been an irreconcilable conflict between the position of science regarding the appearance of living beings and their development, and on the other theological position, which attributes the appearance of all animal species spontaneously during the six “days "of creation in Genesis 1 recounted by the Bible.” The theological position seems intransigent, since putting a deaf ear to the evidence provided by science, that beings have been generated by evolution through descent and that definitely could not happen in six days. From the point of view of common sense, this situation the only thing showing is ignorance and religious fanaticism, which insists on putting the theory of evolution, which is already sufficiently proven in general in doubt, and no doubt already.
The theory of evolution has nothing to do with belief in God or any religious dogma, because evolution does not refer at any time to theological questions...

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...fficult task to uproot medieval ideas of the mind of religious, since when talking about the Word of God, no one wants to appear bold, so that they are not taches want to change the word or contradict the religious authorities. It is a misunderstanding that should be debunked, detailing what is God 's message of what they have only been human ancestral assumptions. At least they have kept the original writings of the biblical books and translations that have been made are increasingly accurate. But the interpretation of these books has not kept pace. We have to declare that, strictly speaking, there is no contradiction between what he says Genesis 1 and declaring biological evolution, because the first says that everything was created by God, and the second explains how they were created species, not who created; and yet still cannot ensure how life first originated.

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