The Evolution of Differential Calculus

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Differential calculus is a subfield of Calculus that focuses on derivates, which are used to describe rates of change that are not constants. The term ‘differential’ comes from the process known as differentiation, which is the process of finding the derivative of a curve. Differential calculus is a major topic covered in calculus. According to Interactive Mathematics, “We use the derivative to determine the maximum and minimum values of particular functions (e.g. cost, strength, amount of material used in a building, profit, loss, etc.).” Not only are derivatives used to determine how to maximize or minimize functions, but they are also used in determining how two related variables are changing over time in relation to each other. Eight different differential rules were established in order to assist with finding the derivative of a function. Those rules include chain rule, the differentiation of the sum and difference of equations, the constant rule, the product rule, the quotient rule, and more. In addition to these differential rules, optimization is an application of differential calculus used today to effectively help with efficiency. Also, partial differentiation and implicit differentiation are subgroups of differential calculus that allow derivatives to be taken to more challenging and difficult formulas. The mean value theorem is applied in differential calculus. This rule basically states that there is at least one tangent line that produces the same slope as the slope made by the endpoints found on a closed interval. Differential calculus began to develop due to Sir Isaac Newton’s biggest problem: navigation at sea. Shipwrecks were frequent all due to the captain being unaware of how the Earth, planets, and stars mov...

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... mathematics, would not be able to exist to the extent that it is today.

Works Cited

William, Walter, and Rouse Ball. Differentiation Rules: Chain Rule, Inverse Functions and Differentiation, Sum Rule in Differentiation, Constant Factor Rule in Differentiation. New York City, NY: General Books LLC, 1888. Print.

Kouba, Duane. "Implicit Differentiation Problems." Collection of Lectures. (1998): Print.

Rusin, Dave. "Partial differential equations." Mathematical Atlas. 35.1 (2000): Print.

Foster, Niki. "Who is Gottfried Leibniz." Brief and Straightforward Guide (2011): n. pag. Web. 14 Apr 2011. .

Bourne, M. "Applications of Differentiation." Interactive Mathematics. N.p., 25 02 2011. Web. 14 Apr 2011. .

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