Reflection Paper On Evolution

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Each module and chapter in this course is used to open the eyes and give informative information in regards to the Evolutionary Theory, and also to explain why evolution is true. It also takes you through the process in which species and individual organisms have evolved and developed in to new life forms to create the world we live in today through the form of fossils, homology, selections, micro and macroevolution. As I went module by module and through each chapter my initial thoughts regarding evolution began to become questionable in my eyes. My whole belief about Evolution was about to become questionable and I was in for a remarkable journey in just a few short weeks. As I went chapter by chapter so many things caught my attention and made me question my initial theory, teachings and beliefs. I will show you how my world is about to become very enlightened by this course.

What is Evolution? …show more content…

I never really gave thought to evolution I retrospect to science. However, I never really thought about evolution in the aspect of playing a part in the development of living creatures or the human life form. This was a result of my religious upbringings and lack of self-educating beyond what was taught to me in school. As a result of reading this chapter, I understand somewhat evolution means in regards to science. Evolution is a very diverse area of scientific studies. It shows the process in which living organisms have developed and diversified during this history of Earths existence. Evolution is supposed to be a model of the life forms of history on the

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