Evil is In the Eyes of the Beholder: "The Scarlet Letter", by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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In society there are always two kinds of people, good people and bad people. The good people, the teachers pets who always do everything right. They follow the rules and always think of others. Then, you have to bad people, the trouble makers who always do the wrong thing. They break the rules and do things their way. Everyone is classified in one group or the other, and is always thought to be good or bad. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Pearl is evil.

Pearl is doomed from the beginning to be evil. “In giving her existence, a great law [is] broken.” (80) Pearl’s evilness is ultimately credited from her roots. Hester’s sin caused Pearl to be corrupt even before she was born. As a punishment to her mother, Pearl has to be spiteful. The letter was not a good enough punishment for Hester, and if Pearl is a perfect child than Hester’s punishment would have been too easy. The normal punishment for Hester’s sin is death but inevitably Pearl is atrocious because Hester’s punishment is simple. Dimmesdale and Hester’s sin is that of great trouble and has to be punished. Dimmesdale, with the fact that Pearl looks like him, and Hester with the fact that she has to care for a mischievous child.

Hester also fears for Pearl for the reason that she is evil when she was born. “[T]he evil which she [inherits] from her [mother] must be great indeed, if a noble woman [does] not grow out of this elfish child.” (62) Pearl is born out-of-wedlock and adultery. She has to live with that sin all of her life. Hester fears that it will be her fault if Pearl does not grow up into someone with a good heart. All of Hester’s grief from her sinful act with Dimmesdale transfers into Pearl to give her a “demon ori...

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...earl knows that this is mean and she doesn’t like it when people stare at her and Hester and say mean things to them. Pearl is in love with the scarlet letter, and she does not have any friends because she is consumed in the depravity of the scarlet letter and her mother.

The character Pearl in the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is baneful. Pear has an obsession with her mother’s letter which causes her and Hester to become isolated. Obsession can cause everyone to be isolated. When people are obsessed with drugs they will do anything and everything to get them and often isolate themselves from the world to do them. Their isolation can cause them to be angry or mean, and in turn they become evil. The obsession can ruin their lives and they can’t do anything about it. Obsessions can isolate people, and just like Pearl can make them evil.

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