Evaluation Process: The Process Of Program Evaluation

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The Process of Program Evaluation
Program evaluation is a skill that requires for skilled people to conduct an evaluation that is credible. My reason for taking this class was to gain the basic understanding of the program evaluation. As I became involved in the readings and class assignments I discovered a profound level of respect for this application. I uncovered that evaluations should dedicate thoughtfulness to all stakeholders who are invested in the program and affected by its evaluation. This process allows a full range of people and groups to take part in the evaluation; this is also a way to identify and develop the needs of stakeholders. Evaluation should be integrated throughout the preliminary phases of program development. A preliminary phase of the evaluation process is to define the program in-depth detail. This collective endeavor can generate a mutual understanding of the program and the evaluation process. In the environment in which I work this is an unknown process, program evaluation happens at the end of the year. In most cases, most programs are unsuccessful because of the fact of having unrealistic goals and outcomes. Evaluations can be formative and summative. Formative evaluations are conducted in the development and implementation phase of the program. This process can be beneficial because it provides with information on how to best attain the goals or make changes to the program. Summative evaluations happen when the programs are well instituted and inform on to what degree the program is attaining its outcomes and goals (Patton, 1987).
Evaluations are generally concerned with the effectiveness of programs. However, good judgment evaluation has an incredibly extensive chronicle; evaluation research t...

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... the questions influence the work of the program and in the evaluation. Allowing the stakeholders be included in the development and planning, will create opportunities for the program to be effective in meeting the program outcomes (Alkin, 2011).
In conclusion Selecting evaluation questions that will bring about consideration to the framework of the program, stakeholders and community members will create trust with all parties involved in the evaluation process. The trust will facilitate the evaluator to conduct an evaluation that depicts on the understanding and capacities of all stakeholders. This process will also allow for an evaluation strategy that supports the goals and outcomes of the program and will also evaluate the programs strengths and weaknesses. The evaluation of the program will indicate what changes and improvements are needed in the program.

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