Evaluation of a Module

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Evaluation of a Module

In essay writing you are taught to write an introduction a beginning,

middle and an end around a topic, within which you write from two or

more stand points, generally, for and against, interpreting

information in ones own words and applying it to scenarios and

expanding on what we already know. To be able to do this one needs to

use texts written by others as well as our own knowledge to be able to

give our own opinion on matters around the given subject.

Written above is my interpretation of what an essay is and how I would

have gone about writing in response to a given title. In looking at

the title; "What is the value of this module to me as a Critical

Business Management Student?" initially I found it very hard to be

able to come up with a response, or any ideas of what to write. The

essay itself was set in week two, at which point I though how can this

module have any value to me as I do not know what it is about. I

assumed from the module title "Approaching the Research Project and

Dissertation" that it would helping us to develop ideas towards the

planning and undertaking of our dissertation research project.

Initially I did not see how the lectures were helping as they seemed

to divert so far from the initial topic, that in my opinion what was

being spoken about was no longer relevant. My opinion has now changed,

though I do find the lectures very hard to take in and understand,

having listened to what is being said, my understanding of the lecture

tends to come in a subconscious reflection when reading something

else. I will apply what has been said or discussed with the lecture

instinctively to another essay title or piece of reading. Though this

is possibly something I have always done I am now aware of it.

To me the biggest value of this module has been the emphasis of

understanding what your essay question, title, is asking of you, and

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