Euthanasia Persuasive Speech

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Life is viewed as a beautiful and fascinating experience, but once this wonderful appearance of life is taken away from you, the will to live diminishes. Although we would all love to live a long and healthy life, many people are unable to do so when diagnosed with a terminal illness. As the illness begins to take over your body and brings only pain and suffering, death, what most of us fear, sometimes looks a lot more peaceful than life. When someone is terminally ill, I believe that everyone should have the right to die when they no longer can live. In some states, these people are able to make the choice of ending his or her suffering by choosing euthanasia. The English medical word euthanasia comes from the Greek word eu meaning “good”, …show more content…

Although it is always hard to let go of anyone, whether it be a family member or longtime friend, many people associated with the dying patient find peace in knowing that they didn’t force those that they love to suffer any longer. Now think of the people that you cherish the most in life, whether it be you mother, grandfather or a longtime friend. I’d like think that everyone would love to remember that special person as the funny and happy person that they once were. Just as the terminally don’t want to suffer anymore, let’s not live with a memory of that person being sad, and miserable. Although you may think that choosing euthanasia is the patients way of giving up on life, patients usually aren’t even able to choose euthanasia until their last 6 months of life or even shorter periods of time. Choosing euthanasia is simply saying that they have fought long and hard, but enough is enough. In cases like this, Family and friends are able to accept that the person will die regardless, and can find peace, comfort and closure to their passing knowing that they didn’t have to suffer anymore. Along with losing someone so dearly to you, families most of the time get stuck with extremely costly bills, and go into dept. The choice of death shouldn’t be decided over the issue of bills and money, but if a person wants to choose euthanasia, allow them to do so, and the family can use that money they would have spent on bills towards charities, and donations to find a

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