Eugne O'Neill's All God's Chillun Got Wings and Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire

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The white women in Eugene O’Neill’s play All God’s Chillun Got Wings and The older sister in Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named Desire both struggle mentally with reality and fantasy. Ella Downey, a desperately unstable, racially aware woman, struggles to overcome her insecurities, and is mentally torn between reality and fantasy. Like Ella, Blanche Dubois, a disillusioned woman, finds herself struggling mentally; unable to overcome reality, refuses to accept things are what they are, retreats to the fantasies of her mind. Ella is a desperate woman when she reconnects with an old friend from her childhood, Jim, so many years later; she’s no longer the little girl she once was that he so fondly remembers. Ella is a desperate woman when she reconnects with Jim because she is all alone, she has no family; she’s been abandoned by her lover and dealing with the death of her illegitimate only child thus, deeming her an unstable women because she’s had a child out of wed lock. She has no other suitor’s insight when she proclaims her love for Jim. Ella is racially aware woman wi...

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