What Is A Code Of Ethics Essay

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After the readings on all of the different ideas of ethics and how to achieve an ethical environment, whether it is in the general public or in a major corporation, I have been able to develop my own ideas on what would make a well functioning code of ethics. My codes of ethics are going to be veered towards the Yuma County government. I want to direct my code of ethics towards the Yuma County government because not only is it my hometown, it also seems fitting because of all the current elections that are going on right now. For my code of ethics, I will have 10 principles that are to be followed. My first rule is:
1. Oppose all forms of discrimination.
Often times, the best candidate for the job is left behind because they are discriminated against. It may not be for the most obvious reason, but to discriminate under any circumstance is wrong. If a person does not deserve a job it has to be on a professional …show more content…

Encourage the adoption of a code of ethics A simple code of ethics should be encouraged on a day-to-day basis. It could easily be used when facing tough decisions in life and sometimes being able to refer to some kind of moral code can mean the difference between something that greatly favors the citizens of the county or committing treason. Personal opinions and feelings only complicate decisions and cloud judgment. Referring to the code is similar to referring to a friend when faced with a trifling dilemma. Failure to abide by this code of ethics follow a strict zero tolerance policy when dealing with the perpetrator. First offense of unethical behavior will result in a one-month suspension from work with no pay. They will also need to attend a hearing amongst their colleges before being readmitted to their former position. If the votes fall in their favor, they are brought back into their respected position. Second offense is immediate termination. No hearing, no voting. The next qualified official will populate the newly opened

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