Financial Sectors in Bahrain

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Bahrain has many financial sectors which are developed and diversified including Islamic banks , commercial banks , insurance companies , financing companies , investment advisors , insurance brokers , security brokers and mutual fund that traded in retail or wholesale market .

The sectors are regulated and supervised by central banks of Bahrain (CBB) which was known as Bahrain monetary agency. Requirements are contained in the Central Bank of Bahrain Rulebook that is divided into six volumes and each volume describes a different type of financial system.

Central bank of Bahrain Rulebook consists of rules to both licensing and ongoing policies and oversees of licensee , licensing requirement , capital adequacy , risk management , disclosure requirement and enforcement action.

Bahrain’s banking system consists of both commercial banks and Islamic banks , both of these are the largest components of the financial system in Bahrain . Commercial and Islamic banks assets estimate of 85% of total financial assets . Commercial banks consists of 23 banks , 69 wholesale banks , 2 financial banks with 36 offices over the Bahrain , 6 Islamic banks and 18 wholesale banks.

The banking sector did an important role in the emergence of Bahrain playing a guiding financial market. In December 2006, the assets of the banking sector made it over 180 billion dollars, 12 times more than the Gross Domestic Product of Bahrain.

The open market economy supported by the industry growth , macroeconomics and fiscal policies , regulatory framework with international standard and strong and qualified local workforce all of these factor combined lead to Bahrain regional banking hub that is successfully attracting foreign banking to work in Bahrain.

Because of petrol and petrol product such as oil , recent growth in the financing sector has been backed and the liquidity has increased . Because of that bank play a major role in reinvesting surplus of oil and financing opportunities on other type of economy.

Bahrain has many commercial insurance companies and Islamic insurance companies . Bahrain have 15 domestic commercial insurance companies , 11 foreign insurance companies . There are also 9 Islamic insurance companies.
Insurance industry has grow in the last recent years . increase in financial service lead to demand for insurance service . many of insurance companies choose Bahrain as their regional base because of development in the international regional operation.
Central bank of Bahrain establish rules for insurance companies in Bahrain .

Capital Markets
Bahrain Bourse (BHB) was established in according to law NO.

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