the odyssey

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In Homer’s Greek epic poem, The Odyssey, the characters Calypso, Athena, and Penelope have an effect on Odysseus and his journey home. Throughout the poem, Odysseus plays a major role but the female characters demonstrate their intelligence, authoritative power, and strength within society. The strong women in The Odyssey are exclusive in their character, goals, and connection towards men. Throughout The Odyssey, women are portrayed as important figures and Calypso’s seduction hinders Odysseus’ journey home. After Calypso traps Odysseus for nine years in Book 5, she begs him to stay with her and make love to her forever. “Her temptation trumps all those Odysseus has seen before”. In exchange for her request, she promises to save him from future obstacles and give him something that no one else has, which is immortality. Calypso’s intention causes pressure in Odysseus’ journey. These offers are great rewards and Odysseus thinks Calypso’s beauty is more tempting than his wife but he is not interested in her. He wants to be home with his wife, Penelope. At one point, Calypso was selfish in her relationship. Since she is the sea-nymph, she complains to Zeus that there is a “double standard when it comes to relationships between mortals and immortals. Male gods are allowed to take mortal lovers, while female goddesses are not.” Calypso thinks that women with too much power sacrifices love. The way Calypso ask Odysseus if he wants to leave seems more of a rhetorical question than one that he should answer. Her tone gives off the confidence that she knows he cannot resist her tempting offer. She foreshadows that Odysseus will have a joyous homecoming because he rather suffer through all the pains than stay with her. Her power and socia... ... middle of paper ... ...y that Odysseus as a deeper feeling for Nausicaa. She is another example of a powerful woman who promised and dictated his journey home. Along with Calypso and Athena, Nausicaa shaped Odysseus’ journey and his goals about going home to his wife, Penelope. In Homer’s Greek epic poem, The Odyssey, Odysseus comes across women who delay his journey home. The characters Calypso, Athena, and Nausicaa all have an effect on Odysseus. He seems to go through life with women throwing themselves at him, tempting him to swerve from his purpose of returning to Ithaca and Penelope. Women therefore are shown to have importance and social standing through their position and their sexual charms. Even Penelope, who arguably gets what she has been waiting for with the return of her husband, has to accept the fact that whilst he has been away he has consorted with various other females.

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