the best and efficient ways of studying

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There are many ways of studying, but what is the best and efficient way of doing so? Everyone has their own route to study. The most popular techniques are memorization and formulas. Memorization is taking a particular idea and reviewing it from all different angles trying to capture all sides retaining every important detail. Formulas are breaking down and analyzing the concept of an idea. Both techniques are equivalently useful and great building blocks; but what good is a building block if they are never used for more than just a block? Sure, memorizing each corner and learning more about its chemistry are helpful, but only to an extent. The next step is linking two similar topics making the two become a whole. The puzzle will always begin to make sense for each piece connected, and once finished can be seen for what it is. It’s no different when studying.
There is another great way for studying that connects ideas to see the bigger picture. It’s called Holistic Studying. Holistic – relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than individual parts. It teaches that learning is a process like building a house with ideas and concepts. The more learned the easier it is to build. Holistic Studying has good techniques that are efficient in learning smarter, easier and faster. Three of them are using metaphors, finding patterns, and building models that can be used in everyday studying. Whenever a complex idea arises, use a metaphor by taking the complex idea and comparing it to a simple one. Whenever reviewing over different, but related topics, always find patterns that connect them. Whenever an idea can’t be visualized, build a model so the concept will become more tangible and much clearer.
Boredom will always be ...

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...a new language will teach a new way of expression, and learning an instrument improves translating skills.
Receiving, remembering and thinking are the ways the brain processes information. There is one more step that helps us learn, and it benefits others too – teaching. When you teach someone it helps the mind organize and structure information. If there is no one around to teach, then open a word document and summarize the information. Holding information is good, but letting information out whether it’s typed or taught is just as beneficial to us.
Receiving, Remembering, Thinking and Outputting are the primary elements to having successful study sessions. Memorization, Formulas, and Connecting are the key builders to see the whole picture. Studying is a ladder that helps us climb to the top of our dreams. Once we are living our dreams, why not keep going up?

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