smack that

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Many critics believe that spanking is just a form of abuse and does not teach a child right from wrong. According to Jeanne Lindsay, “Spankings generally lead to more and harder spankings to make the child respond” (89). Critics think that spanking leads to more violet children and, in the end, more violet adults. They also believe that if a parent truly loves their child, they would never hit them. Critics believe that time-outs are a more effective form of punishment. They think time-outs teach children right from wrong better than spankings. Some critics also believe that spanking should be illegal in the United Stated. However, this is not accurate. Spanking when done out of love is not abuse at all. According to Jeannette Moninger, “A parent who spanks as a form of discipline is quite different from one who strikes with the goal of injuring a child.”(The great Spanking debate)) A parent does not spank their child because they get pleasure out of it; they do it so they can teach their child wrong from right and to ensure that they will not do it again. J. Addleman states that in 1979 Sweden was the first country to out-law spanking. Seven other countries decided to follow Sweden and outlaw spanking as well. However, several studies have shown that since spanking has been out-lawed in Sweden the child abuse rate has actually increased. One can see from this article that child abuse has nothing to do with spanking. With that being said, spanking does not mean to physically injure a child; it simply means just a slap on the butt. In, children learn lessons through pain.
During the childhood years, he [children] typically accumulates minor bumps, bruises, scratches, and burns, each one teaching him [children] a...

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...o me and following directions. I have one little boy at daycare that is so bad. It is obvious that this child has never been spanked a day in his life. This little boy has no respect for anyone. He tells me all the time “You are not in charge of me” and “I do not have to listen to anything you say”. Personally, when I was little, my mom would have beaten my butt if I ever talked that way to an adult. When the little boy says that I put him in time-out because that is all I am allowed to do, but the time-outs do not work because he ends up saying it again. It just goes to shows, that time-outs do not teach children to be respectful. I believe that if his parents were to spank him and tell him to never talk that way to adult it would work. It would work because it would scare him and children need to be afraid of their parents when it come to getting in trouble.

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