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Bipolar due to Medical Condition is the second diagnosis being considered for the case of Fernando. Bipolar due to Medical Condition is being entertained due to Fernando’s goal-directed activity at work, apparent decreased need for sleep, as well as his excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences such as his diet, use of alcohol, and cigarette use that has lasted much more than a week’s duration. These considerations meet criteria A and B. However, criterion C does not fit as Fernando has not had disturbances in his social or occupational functioning or hospitalizations due to these behaviors. Due to the lack of fitting criteria Bipolar due to Medical Condition is being ruled out at this time ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013). A third consideration is a Mental Disorder due to Medical Condition. This diagnosis is used when there is evidence of impairment due to another medical condition. It would appear that Fernando’s behaviors began after he was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. However, little information about Fernando’s behavior prior to the diagnosis is known. His current behaviors are maladaptive and negatively impact his physical health, but it is unclear the direction of this relationship. That is, does his medical condition impact his mental health or does his mental health impact his medical condition and cause his behavior. Due to the uncertainty Mental Disorder due to Medical Condition is being ruled out at this time ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013). An Adjustment Disorder is being considered because an immediate decline in recommendations and poor health behavior began directly after the onset of a known stressor and has impacted Fernando’s life significant... ... middle of paper ... ...f his treatment goals have been achieved, termination could be considered. Although this course of treatment may take some time it is unlikely that Fernando would require services enduring more than several months. Some adjuncts to treatment would be recommended. The first is a full workup with a medical doctor since Fernando has not been seen in over a year and half. This initial workup would identify if any medications need to be added to Fernando’s regimen as well as identify if he is healthy enough to engage in later goals such as exercising. A second recommendation that would be made is for Fernando to begin working with a dietician that is educated and experienced with developing meal plans for diabetic individuals. Both of these additional services could take place alongside the mental health services Fernando would be receiving without disrupting treatment.

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