online banking

628 Words2 Pages

Over the years, according to studies conducted by Pritchad Justin (2013), new technologies have gained considerable importance in our daily lives. The concepts of time and distance have lost their importance and electronic commerce radically changed the relationship between the buyer and the seller. Without a doubt, one of the economic sectors most strongly affected by the phenomenon is the banking sector. Banks offer indeed a growing number of online services: simple consultation of the bank balance or the creation of electronic transfers, and also manage our stock exchange transactions, claim a credit, even to open a new account without having to stand at the counter of a bank. Some of these activities were still impossible or very little widespread a few years ago.

In the following sections, this research examines briefly the benefits of online banking. This kind of banking solution provides more autonomy for the client to operate, at its option, any time and doesn't require its presence in the industry, as there was considerable cost to banks by reducing labour and branch.


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