
639 Words2 Pages

Although heretical forms of literary works, Shakespeare's “ Macbeth” and Theodore Roethke's

“ My Papa's Waltz” both fabricated theories of fate by utilizing symbolism and figurative linguistic

devices. In duration of these particulars formats of entertainment and murder, both forms of literature

progressively includes various literary devices to convey their own homologous definitions of fate. In

Macbeth, we see Shakespeare utilizing heretical hallucinations as symbolism to demonstrate the

process and definition of fate. Similarly, Theodore Roethke's usage of figurative language and

symbolism corresponds to the clandestine of a meaning to the incontrovertible force of fate. Fate is a

progressive and gargantuous force emanating without personal consent, and its surreptitious meaning

can be undeciphered until the very last minute; which leads to the ubiquitously inevitable attributes it


Fate, an quite intricate lexicon with no precise to an extent of its particular definition, is analyzed

by Shakespeare through his personal analytical lens and expressed through his work “Macbeth” by his

manipulation of intangible symbolism. The initial occurrence of this usage is not shown in the format

of a quote, but rather in the format of an stage introduction. This contrastive beginning , which is

“ Thunder and Lighting. Enter three witches.” (Act 1Scene 1, Line 1, Page 7) features the witches

uniting through this horrendous weather. Due to the presence of the Arabic number “3”, we can refer

this to a religious situation in Christianity ( commonly referred in literature as the technique of allusion)

as the Witches being the symbolism of the Holy Trinity. The occurrence of the thunder ...

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...Page 12, Lines 91-92) shows

an clear evidence of irony, as Macduff was born of the caesarian section, technically meaning that he

was not born of a woman and can harm Macbeth. This symbolism of the child and his usage of

rhetorical language demonstrates the occurrence of trickery and hallucinations during the road of

fate. Towards the denouncement of this play, we acknowledge Macbeth's battle with Macduff, thus

showing no matter the actions taken by Macbeth to avert this event, it will be inevitable; Macbeth the

Tyrant shall be obliterated, and Malcolm shall succeed to the throne. As an accumulation from these

previous usage of symbolism described, we can acknowledge that fate is an progressive process

accorded by an heavenly being to an individual, which is composed of hallucinations and conflict, will

ultimately lead to the termination of our lives.

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