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Reference to patent(s) is made below in a recurring table. To understand this set of tables, the analyst's use of the term 'patent' will be important to the reading of this working paper. The first table presented will be repeated as it is enlarged with more entries. Reading this table as it enlarges should provide value, more coherency and direction to the 'story' to the materials provided here. Table 1.5 provides the

most expanded list of with 24 patent possibilities.

Looking past the possible patent royalties is a good first step. What then does a patent mean here beyond that? Well, what it means is that whatever you have made you can continue to make without someone patenting what you have done and charging YOU royalties.

Recapping these tables seeks to do three things;

1) Says to the reader, here is an idea that MIGHT be worthy of royalties.

2) Says to the reader, here is an idea that if acted on by us, we would not want to be charged royalties

so we ought to seek patent protection for that reason.

3) Says to the reader, here is a important idea that works together with others and may propel us when taken together. It is hoped that through this device this paper and this work is brought to its next step with a shorter basic document than any other way.

To facilitate quick reading, one may skip to 'Part II Product Concept and Work Components' to get

a first glimpse of the envisioned device.



As depicted in Part II the handheld device is extraordinarily flexible and powerful. One of its outstanding capabilities to be decided upon is whether it will work using existing 2G networks as well

as the new high-bandwidth networks and ...

... middle of paper ...

... an out of range solution

will be provide under a different protocol.

Thus, if people were to go to Washington World and wish to take

their device home to some distant location, they would be guided

or limited by the engineering and marketing decision above.

Regardless the Patent table is increased:

Patent Table 1.2

Item Title Description

1 T-Wap Basic(3G+) Unit that should be first prototype 'Party-Line'

2 T-Wap Max(2G+3G+) Unit that engineering should evaluate for viability

3 Party-Line Communications system which support group action

See Section A. Party-Line Description

4 Washington World Business model/Entertainment model

5 DSL and /or Big pipe Business model/method

6 Legacy and Item 5 Business model/method

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