humans vs snakes

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Organisms have three types of immunity: innate. adaptive, and passive. Innate immunity is common among all organisms and reacts the same to all pathogenic infections. Innate immunity includes protective layers of the body, such as the skin and mucous membranes in the nose and throat. Adaptive immunity is the second type of immunity. Adaptive immunity develops throughout an organism’s life. An example of this is the lymphocytes, which develop when an organism is exposed to diseases or through vaccination (with some exceptions). Passive immunity is borrowed from another source and lasts for a short period of time, for example, antibodies in a woman's breast milk, which help prevent their young offspring from acquiring infections in their early years. An example of this in snakes is their tolerance to their own venom, which they are exposed to early in life which prevents them from dying if exposed later. Humans and snakes have a few organs in common, one of them being their spleen. The spleen of a mammal is a spongy and soft organ that is part of the lymphatic system. It generally is used to fight infection and break down worn out red blood cells. The spleen in a snake is a small, reddish organ located near the gallbladder and the pancreas. When the snake is young, the spleen creates red blood cells, and when the animal get older, it helps with the destruction of cells and with blood storage. Another organ common in both snakes and humans is the thymus. In humans, the thymus is a “pyramid-shaped lymphoid organ beneath the breastbone at the level of the heart.”{1} When humans go through puberty, the thymus begins to shrink. The purpose of the thymus is to train and produce cells to attack foreign bodies. The snakes thymus is a red... ... middle of paper ... ...This is the classic example of acquired immunity. Humans have three main parts of their immune system: thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. These all are totally different organs, but they all work together to assist the human body in fighting infections. Snakes immunes system is influenced by age and nutrition, and temperature. It is very similar in the sense that it creates white blood cells that help protect the body. It also is immune to its own venom which helps protect the snake if it is bitten. Snakes have five main parts of their immune system: liver, air sac, pancreas, gall bladder, and spleen. The human immune system is similar to a snakes in many ways. They both possess many of the same organs and share the physiology of adaptive immunity. However, snake's immune systems are also different from humans in many ways both physiologically and anatomically.

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