history of me

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Free. My payroll had granted me the freedom I sought after for so long. A sentence bestowed upon me for the murder of a man named Dane Bellows. Was I guilty? No. I covered the tracks of another and filthied my own with guilty footprints. They had given me a new name, Luke Jameson. Looking at that name on paper gave me an uneasy feeling, if was like looking at a detached personality something I had to take on in order to live a free and easy life. The death of Bellows was all over the news, the press where hungry for justice and I had to take the fall. Who whom? For her. Why hadn’t she called? I took the fall, why didn’t she even try to call? Guilt? Maybe she was afraid I would lash out or beg her to come forwards?. Bless her. She had the innocence of a new born Fawn, a gentle, trembling pale woman with lips of matchstick red. Man, I missed smoking. Cigarettes are expensive in prison. I had written a list of the things I would do when I step through the gate: 1. Buy cigarettes 2.Telephone my brother 3. Find her Stepping out the gate, I breathe the air of a free man. “Good luck’ tells the officer. I don’t reply, after 30 years inside you learn not to. Stepping into a shop, with the little money I had, I buy cigarettes and head out into the open world again. Luke Jameson. My name is Luke Jameson. Luke. Jameson. I stand in the phone booth, a few streets into the city centre. I scribble my new identity down over and over, it still seems alien to me. People pass me in the booth, so content. I see couples in love. Looking at my list, I see it’s time to phone my brother. I used to have so many friends. Work friends, home friends and my drinking buddies, but sadly my proudness meant I never reached out to them. I hadn’t spoken ... ... middle of paper ... ...elp it. I’m sorry. You know what she’s like, you know every man falls for that face” I looked back at her. She looked like a viper ready to bite. That clown white face, terrifying, with that fake trembling she puts on and those blood red lips. I then looked at the blue convertible in front of me. “My money? You spent all MY money?” I began to attack the car, smashing the windows, denting the bodywork and piecing the tires. Again that familiar sound of sirens raced towards me. Arrested. Again. However that’s not the end of me. My brother and lover where jailed for fraud, lets see how they like the taste of cold mash potato. "Me? I was put in the cell for the night for property damage. I think I can live with that, Luke Jameson - destroyer of blue convertibles. Yeah, I like the sound of that. My name is Luke Jameson. Luke. Jameson. Time to start a new life.

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