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A recent study found that teens that read extensively are ten times less likely to be depressed than their peers that listen to music extensively (Pohla, 2011). Nowadays, one out of every twenty teens have a serious case of depression, which means that nearly five percent of the teen population is depressed (Tartakovsky, 2011). In this paper we will discuss the causes, effects, and symptoms of depression as well as current remedies being used to help solve depression, and how reading might be a new solution for this widespread problem. Though many people use various forms of creative outlets such as music to express themselves it might not be the best way to keep your spirits up.

All around unhappiness and lack of concentration are both caused by depression. There are many signs of depression that parents should look for. A teen may exhibit any combination of symptoms including fatigue, sadness, an increase or decrease of interest in food, withdrawal from social situations and many more (WebMD). There is no specific type of person that gets depression more than others. Although more girls than boys have reported cases of depression; teens from all races and economic means can have depression (Tartakovsky, 2011). Sometimes if teens do not receive help, depression will lead to self harm and in extreme cases suicide (Poncelet, 2009). Depression is a problem we need to take seriously. With such a large percentage of area teen population being affected by this issue we need to find new and improved ways to help treat depression. There are many methods currently being used to treat depression, but only recently has there been a study that links lowered levels of depression to the amount a teen reads.

Depression affects a large of...

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...y encouraging teens to read more, we are one step closer to helping reduce the number of teens suffering from depression.

Every year, more than five percent of teens experience depression. Since research has found that heavy readers suffer depression ten times less than than the average population including those that listened extensively to music. We should explore ways to increase the amount of reading among all teenagers. Teen depression is a serious problem that can lead to self harm and in extreme cases suicide. Over five percent of our teen population is being affected by this issue. Depression, leading to suicide is one of the leading causes of death for teen (Mcbride, 2012). Increasing reading among teens is one of many ways we should look into to try and help the teen depression crisis. Perhaps Harry Potter fans knew something before the researchers did.

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