differences among men and women

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Since we were little kids our little minds have been fed thoughts by elders that boys are very different from girls. When we were little we never really thought much of it. Now that we are older we see how different or how less different we actually are. Two things are different in male and females. One is the biological aspect such as our brains and body parts. Also the way we play certain sports are different. The difference in sports also ties in with the fact that men and women are biologically different.
Biologically men and women are very different. Men have penises and women have vaginas I believe the kindergarten student said in Kindergarten Cop starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Since we were little, taking baths with our cousins, we have known we were different in that aspect. When we start to get older and take health and Sex Ed classes we learn a little more. We learn about what we can do with our “different” parts. For instance, how we can have sex and reproduce. We learn that babies do not come from a stork but from the women. All of this information comes to us in one form or the other and is pretty obvious to most people. It is pretty obvious because most of it is general knowledge whether required over time or though education. The next fact may not be so obvious to many people.
The male and female brain is very different in many aspects and this fact is unknown to many ...

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