climate change

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Climate Change Effects on Agriculture
Many scientists claim that the climate is changing globally. For example, many organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) agree to the climate changing and its human contribution. This will present risks affecting agriculture and other systems. Logically speaking, species may be affected and it could possibly lead to the their deaths. The deaths of these species may ruin the ecosystem stability.
Agriculturally, increasing temperatures can be helpful for crops but a few conditions like availability of water and soil moisture must be met. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the climate has been 0.75 degrees warmer. So, agriculture may be one of the significant risks of this change. There will be challenges that ranchers and farmers face while they’re growing the crops. Droughts and floods are a few examples. For instance, heavy rainfall is causing disruption in the United Kingdom.
A warmer atmosphere holds a lot of moisture. Since the climate has been 0.75 degrees warmer, this means that 5-6% of rainfall has increased. “A recent study finds greenhouse gas emissions contributed to observations of more intense precipitation over two thirds of the northern hemisphere between 1950-2000.” (Pidock and Roberts, “Five things to know about flooding and climate change”) Natural cycles of life can lead to voluminous rainfall and floods may occur.
Reports in Europe predict that the United Kingdom will have more flood occurrences. Scientists have improved in reporting damages but rainfall is not the only cause in flooding, humans have too. Humans have created houses on areas w...

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...e out. Other species may increase or decrease in number if one of the species has left the food chain. It would be an imbalanced ecosystem.
Climate change can be beneficial in many ways, but there are some significant disadvantages people need to reconsider. The world’s climate is changing, and not only due to the fact that it has been stated more than five times. Agriculture is one of the prime examples that will be affected by this because of droughts, floods and other environmental impacts. The limited variety of crops will affect the food supply because of increased precipitation patterns. The path to ecosystem imbalance is in progress. All of these impacts are tied to each other. If one becomes in risk of danger, the others will also be affected. The Earth is changing and humans need to know what will be come to them when disastrous events come into place.

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