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Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez (G. Rabassa 2007 trans.) is a parabolic recreation of a historical murder that is presented in the magical realism genre and has a unique balance of journalism and allegory; of history and morality play. García Márquez subtlely combines reality with fantastical occurrences to make such events seem normal which would otherwise be considered paranormal in the physical world. In particular, elements within the novel that add to its genre are the blending of the supernatural with reality, the structure and the unreliable narrator. García Márquez explores magical realism within Chronicle of a Death Foretold by mixing the paranormal with reality, such as the bad omens that foreshadow Santiago’s death. These range from the explicit such as the opening sentence of the novel, to a more hidden symbolism. For example, Clotilde Armenta thought that Santiago ‘already looked like a ghost’ (García Márquez 2007; 13) – which shows how Santiago was already perceived to be dead even before his death; Victoria Guzmán “pulled out the insides of a rabbit by the roots and threw the steaming guts to the dogs” (García Márquez 2007; 8) – displaying Victoria feeding rabbit innards to the dogs, similar to how the dogs try to eat Santiago’s intestines after the autopsy. The same idea of evisceration of rabbits and Santiago emphasizes the parallel between the two events and are examples of where García Márquez employs striking visual imagery and demonstrates how fantastical it is for Santiago to suffer the same fate as the rabbits slaughtered by his house servant, thus adding to the magical realism aspect of the novel. Furthermore, García Márquez displays ‘fatal coincidences’ that are difficult to explai... ... middle of paper ... ...isa Santiaga Márquez, who frequently made extremely absurd events seem real. He developed this style of writing about supernatural and fantastical things, in which he described naturally and with detail switching them into reality. García Márquez has effectively used magical realism in Chronicle of a Death Foretold with the blending of the supernatural and reality being the key element that allows for magical realism within the novel, with the structure and unreliable narrator being less significant elements. Within these elements, the omens; the circular structure of the novel; and the state of the narrator during the consummation of Santiago’s murder are key points in García Márquez’s use of magical realism within the novel, and his proficiency in writing in the genre of magical realism certainly makes Chronicle of a Death Foretold a more captivating read by far.

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