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Throughout my professional experiences, I have recognized the importance of explicit and direct teaching. The ‘I do, we do and then the you do’ approach forms the core of my daily teaching practices. At the beginning of each lesson, I introduce clear and concise learning goals and lesson objectives, which are visually displayed on the whiteboard. These learning objectives are included in every stage of the lesson from the orientating phase to the synthesising phase in order for students to have a clear learning goal in sight. Within my teaching, two common acronyms, ‘WALT’ and ‘WILF’ are implemented and utilised regularly to assist in successfully delivering the content to students.
The ‘WALT’ (we are learning to) highlights my objective of the lesson and explicitly explains to students what I am looking for in their work. The ‘WILF’ (what I’m looking for) further supports my lesson objective by clearly outlining what students should be able to do within the lesson.

2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenou...

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