Zoo Story: The Zoos

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I’ll repeat… Imagine a zoo and tell me what do you really know about them? What is its purpose? Where do the animals come from? Why are they there? How are they cared for? What really goes into building and running of a zoo? If you were to ask me those questions in my more innocent years my answers would look rather simple. I thought of the zoo simply as an unusual type of farm considering I lived on one myself. I remember assuming they were all born in a zoo or too injured to be released back into the wild, so of course, they all now live there. How zoos were created though were left for older minds and even then it wasn’t something I thought about until I was randomly gifted this book by a fellow student whom I had told I wanted to work in a zoo someday. It turned out to be one the defining stories I have ever read. Reveling a world I had only glimpsed at but apparently knew very little about. Thomas French is a Pulitzer winner and the author of the book ‘Zoo Story: Life in the Garden of Captives.' Within the pages of this fascinating book, he attempts to unveil that behind the scenes world, answer those questions in far more detail and change the way we all view a visit to the zoo. Is it truly the refuge most of us believe or truly the prison that some criticize?
From the Jungles of Panama to the savannahs of Africa, …show more content…

There is never going to be a perfect scenario that satisfies all the critics of zoos. In a perfect world, every animal lover would get to see animals remain in their natural habitat but this world isn’t perfect. The wild world is getting smaller and smaller every year. From personal experience of reading this book before and after working in a zoo I found that the author does well in toeing that line of the good, the bad, and sometimes the downright

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