The Effects Of Bullying On Adolescents

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In today’s society, it seems everyone has something to complain about. Some may be an irritable co-worker, a misjudgment in timing, or just a bad cup of coffee. Adolescents, however, are molded by the very environment they live in. Their young impressionable minds are the product of the people they come in contact with, the places they visit, the movies they watch, and the habits they create. All play an important part in their behavior and essentially how their lives will play out in the future. Regardless, growing up comes with its share of stress. Inevitably, an adolescent will face trying times when answers seem to be elusive. If not properly guided, a youth can take a turn for the worse and develop practices that can amplify their adverse situation. This paper will cover some of the most challenging issues that today’s youths come across, its purpose is to …show more content…

It can be physical, verbal, and even virtual (also known as CyberBullying), and affects millions of adolescents every year, leading to very serious consequences for the victim, including suicide (Sha, 2013). Surveys have uncovered that approximately 30% of teens in the U.S. have either been bullied or are bullies (Morin, 2015). Aside from the physical harm that can come from bullying, a victim can undergo an intense state of stress which can scar a person for life. Additionally, bullying itself can cause an offender develop a notion of superiority, which results in minors to eventually questioning adult authority and even the law (Morin, 2015). In today’s world of advanced technology, bullying has taken a new form called cyberbullying. The constant texting, emails, or blogs that target and degrade a person can have the same effect as real-life bullying (Sha, 2013). Bullying can eventually lead to a deep state of depression, anxiety, or in extreme cases, subsequently turn the victim into a bully

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