Xyz Motors Swot Analysis

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Company XYZ Motors


Company XYZ Motors has been known for its years of innovative automobile technology development in Japan and is known for its high quality products. The loss in domestic and international market shares in the past year two (2) years has resulted in decline of profit. Essentially, productivity results in profiting, it is important to adapt and provide products that meet the needs of the targeted consumers.
Company XYZ Motors will evaluate managers, cross-culture training, HRM models and setting up global teams. The success of a business will require preparing Managers to work overseas and incorporate cultural diversity, social responsibilities, global management teams and increasing profit.

SWOT ANALYIS …show more content…

The same can be said for India, who also places importance on the higher hierarchy with respect to the older and senior people. In the U.S., it is part of the human culture to treat each individual as an equal, with fairness and open to communication. However, the HRM model to create an organizational chart which also provides employees with the high hierarchy within the organization. Similar to Japan Managers, in India, it is customary that during business meetings and meals, visitors are dressed business suit and tie attire, no hand shaking or eye contact (especially from females), stand three (3) feet away from each other and a gift of flowers and/or sweets be presented and opened after the visitors leave. The International Business Manager will need to be knowledgeable in when to adapt and adjust to the needs of the customer in the country of origin, in order for business to succeed and expand. However, the business will require cross-culture training, matching the right employees to the expectation of the job and continue this process with the talent search, training and …show more content…

According to research, Theory Y managers believe that “It is the responsibility of management to make it possible for people to recognize and develop these human characteristics for themselves” (O’Leary, 2010, p. 114). While different styles work for different employees, the global management team will need to be involved and be able to feel that their decision matters. Nevertheless, the global team will need to feel valued by demonstration of communication, trust, openness and being able to share

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