Write An Essay On Chlamydia

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Chlamydia is a common STD that can infect both men and women. Chlamydia is spread by having anal, vaginal or oral sex with someone who is infected. It is important to know that, even if the male does not ejaculate, Chlamydia can still be spread. The only way to completely avoid the chance of contracting chlamydia is to refrain from intercourse. If you are sexually active, you can lower the chances of getting chlamydia by being in a long-term monogamous relationship, and to use a latex condom each time you have intercourse. Sexually active young people are at a higher risk of getting chlamydia due to behaviors and biological factors common among young people. It is common for most people who have chlamydia to be asymptomatic initially. Symptoms may not appear for several weeks after being infected. The most common symptoms that women notice are an abnormal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating. Men may notice a discharge from their penis, a burning …show more content…

If you are sexually active, it is recommended to be in a mutually monogamous long-term relationship and to use a latex condom the correct way. If you think that you may be infected with syphilis, you should contact your doctor immediately. There are laboratory tests that can be done, which will confirm if you have been infected. The treated for syphilis varies, depending upon which stage you are in. Luckily, it can be cured with antibiotics, however, it may take longer depending on how much antibiotic therapy is needed. Trichmoniasis, also known as “trich”, is a common STD that affects both men and women. Trich is considered to be the most common curable STD. Of the approximate 3.7 million who have had the infection, only about 30% developed symptoms. This STD is more common amongst women than men, and older women are more likely than younger women to be infected. The most common mode of transmission is by vaginal intercourse

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